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- #css
How to Create a Calendar Icon in HTML5 and CSS3
10 Websites With Creative Moving Elements
The Three Typography Books All Frontend People Should Read (and Why)
HSB Colors with Sass
The Perils and Perks of Designing with Parallax
An Introduction to Icon Fonts with Font Awesome and IcoMoon
12 Essential Responsive Design Tools
Vector Graphics in Sass
The Role of Design in Modern Church Marketing
Why The 10 Commandments Of Web Design Are Complete Baloney
Andy Budd on Usability, Design, and the Death of CSS
Adams and Clarke on CSS, the W3C, and Design
PNG8 - The Clear Winner
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
Web Domination Using Photoshop
Get Cooking with Photoshop and CSS - 3 Low-fat Recipes
UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship
Understanding CSS3 Transitions
Responsive Web Design
A List Apart 4.0
Mountaintop Corners
Thinking Outside the Grid
Big, Stark & Chunky
Sliding Doors of CSS
Build a PHP Switcher
CSS Design: Mo’ Betta Rollovers
Sliding Doors of CSS, Part II
Suckerfish Dropdowns
JavaScript Image Replacement
CSS Design: Custom Underlines · An A List Apart Article
Designing for Context with CSS
CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners & Borders Part II
CSS Drop Shadows
CSS Drop Shadows II: Fuzzy Shadows
Print It Your Way
Onion Skinned Drop Shadows
CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners & Borders
Frameworks for Designers
Start Coding with Wireframes
A Case for Responsive Résumés
Building Twitter Bootstrap
Cross Platform Scalable Vector Graphics with svgweb
Design Patterns: Faceted Navigation
Using SVG for Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part II
Using SVG For Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part I
Fluid Grids
Faux Absolute Positioning
Zebra Tables
Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop